Pre-admission is necessary in case of :
- Scheduled hospitalization
- Surgical procedure in hospital
To do this, you just need to come to the hospital before the day of the hospitalization or surgery to create the file with the admissions office.
The latter includes the question of whether or not part of the costs will be covered by the Health Insurance and the preparation of the patient’s medical record.
This pre-admission will simplify your arrival on D day and will enable you to be directed directly to the department concerned.
Before you are admitted to the hospital, you can ask for an estimate for all the procedures prescribed by your doctor. It should be noted, however, that the amount mentioned on the estimate may vary according to the evolution of your health status.
*The Mohammed VI International University Hospital ensures the reimbursement of hospitalization and care costs by the main paying agencies: CNOPS ( The Moroccan Health Insurance Fund)), CNSS (Moroccan Social security agency), private insurance companies, or others.
Papers constituting a health insurance coverage :
- A confidential envelope provided by the doctor (containing the patient’s first and last name, the illness requiring hospitalization, the diagnosis justifying the intervention, the scheduled date, the expected duration of hospitalization and the exact nature of the necessary procedures and examinations with their quotation).
- • Copy of the member’s ID card (front and back) ;
- • Copy of both sides of the identity card, if the beneficiary is different (wife, child);
- Copy of the mutual insurance card, registration card or membership card on both sides.
- Copy of a guardian’s identity card in case the patient is a minor.
- Diagnostic elements (for example, an ECG copy for coronary angiography, a biological assessment for dialysis, etc.).
For most patients :
- Your doctor’s prescription or a hospital note provided by the doctor;
- Copy of the patient’s National Identity Card;
- Copie de la carte professionnelle pour les patients qui ont une mutuelle ;
- Medical documents, biological and radiological examinations, medical reports.
For special cases :
- Hospitalization of a minor :
The minor must be accompanied by the father, mother, or legal guardian with the following documents :
– Family booklet
– Identity document of the person with parental authority or proof of custody and parental authority
- National of a foreign country
– Health insurance card
– Private health insurance coverage, with the period of validity and the benefits covered
– Prior request to the relevant medical department of the hospital for an estimate of the cost of the stay and payment of a deposit before the day of hospitalization in order to obtain a proof of payment to be produced before the treatment
- In case of chronic/long term illness (LTI):
Please note that only stays related to a chronic long-term illness are covered
- Beneficiary of an education allowance for a disabled child :
– Form or letter attesting to the care of the disabled child
- Pregnant women :
– Maternity follow-up file
These documents depend on each patient. In general, they are requested at the time of the appointment :
- Letter from attending physician
- X-rays and test results
- Current medical prescriptions
- Health booklet
- Maternity booklet
- Blood type card
- Other documents potentially.